Colorful houses along the coastline in Vernazza, Italy

Colorful houses along the coastline in Vernazza, Italy
Colorful houses along the coastline in Vernazza, Italy 0% 100 0 votes

Vernazza has a fascinating history that dates back to the Roman Empire. It is said that this quaint village was originally founded as a defensive outpost by the Romans, and since then it has endured many hardships including an earthquake in 2005. Vernazza is a colorful town with friendly locals that you’ll want to visit again and again.

Vernazza and Riomaggiore are the most scenic and atmospheric of the Cinque Terre towns and are perhaps the best of the five villages to visit. In Vernazza’s harbor, there is a small sandy beach where you can swim and sunbathe. The water stays calm because of the natural harbor surrounding the beach, which makes it a good spot for fishing boats.

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