Beach wallpapers

  1. Orange sunset on the tropic beach background

    Orange sunset on the tropic beach background

    Today I have for You dear beach wallpaper lovers, another sunset 😀 In previous post I post pink sunset, and for today I have prepared background with orange sunset and one palm tree.?...

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  2. Look at the pink sunset from the beach wallpaper

    Look at the pink sunset from the beach wallpaper

    Now little romantic here at beach backgrounds 😀 A little break from tropical beaches, islands, crystal oceans etc 😀 Here we have pink sunset on one of this tropical islands. This...

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  3. Lonely island somewhere in the ocean wallpaper

    Lonely island somewhere in the ocean wallpaper

    Another beach wallpapers which I prepare for You today 😎 I realize that I have never post some beach wallpaper with lonely island, so now I ll repair that mistake :). So, I must say that...

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  4. Two palms and turquoise sea beach wallpaper

    Two palms and turquoise sea beach wallpaper

    Hay all! 😛 I have just found this beautiful beach wallpaper. As you can see, there are two tropic palms, actually just their shadow on awesome turquoise sea. I don’t know is it...

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  5. Awesome crystal blue ocean wallpaper

    Awesome crystal blue ocean wallpaper

    And last update for today is again about tropical beaches 🙂 From last two wallpapers, I don’t know which one is better as beach wallpaper. On this beach wallpaper, we have...

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  6. Beach tiki umbrella on sandy beach

    Beach tiki umbrella on sandy beach

    Another update on beach backgrounds 😛 Same as previous beach background, this is pictured on tropical beach. Here we tiki umbrella, table and wood chair. Great addition do white sandy...

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  7. Tropical sandy beach and blue ocean wallpaper

    Tropical sandy beach and blue ocean wallpaper

    This beach wallpaper rocks :rock: It’s amazing! I’m surprised by how mother nature can give us so beautiful places. If there is heaven on Earth, I believe that it would be on...

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  8. Sunny beach and crystal blue sea

    Sunny beach and crystal blue sea

    Huh.. New update for today. This one is outstanding (thumb) This sunny beach wallpaper I have made from normal photo. Also I resize it to fit most screen resolutions.. Just for you. Enjoy...

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