This stunning picture shows a beautiful aerial view of Mangrove River Resort in Sihanoukville. Sihanoukville, also known as Kampong Som, is a coastal city in Cambodia and the capital of Sihanoukville Province. The city of Sihanoukville is adored for its almost uninterrupted string of beaches along its entire coastline. With many magical beaches and tropical islands around the city, Sihanoukville is a famous tourist attraction for everyone who loves romantic beaches with soft sand and turquoise water. Besides the stunning beaches, Sihanoukville also gives a chance to see Koh Otres, an island east of the city, that has a beautiful mangrove forest. Enjoy this beautiful wallpaper of the aerial view on Mangrove River Resort in Sihanoukville, and dive into the beauty that this place has!
Stunning aerial view on Mangrove River Resort in Sihanoukville

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